
Life lately

Eating bundles of fruit from my dad's farm & trying to stay cool in this burning summer.

9 comentários:

  1. Oh, please send some sun and heat this way - it looks like autumn has already come to Finland.
    The fruit from your dad's farm must be delicious and the light in these photograph is precious!

    1. It's 30 degrees in here 0_O, i will ask St.Peter to move some warm weather to Finland,we have a lot to spare :D
      everything my dad plants tastes so good because he does it with love (a cliche,but still...the truth!)

  2. I remember getting snow peas from my boyfriend's mum's garden and they were the best I've ever tasted! Home grown is always the best :)

  3. These are like painting!!!
    And are those Oranges? want some...4 months more to go for orange season here.

    1. I always had a soft heart for still life paintings ;)
      Yes!Oranges,they are running out now,and i'm eating a lot of wild berries,water melon and passion fruit!

    2. I've always secretly wished to be able to paint still life but I am NOT AT ALL talented at drawing/painting... hahaha!

    3. ahaha i'm the same,hurray for photography for us the not so talented drawing tipe of people :D
