


A few months after we moved in to this house we started to recognize the stray cats in our street and sometimes stayed outside playing a little,dreaming of taking one of them home.
There was a hole bunch of  kitties with two, maybe three months old and everybody that passed by loved an unusual white one with amazing blue eyes, but my heart was with this little black one that hid beneath the street dumpster, always sneezing and looking worryingly sick.

One day when i got home João surprised me at the door holding Simão.
He had indeed a really bad cold but we took him to the vet, he got better and although the vet said that Simão was always going to be tiny and weak he grew up to be a big energetic panther that was left with  only one particular sequel fom his earlier disease: Simão breathes in a funny weird sort of way, he has many 'voices' and makes everybody that visits our home laugh a lot.
His favorite hobbies are running like a horse,stalk Matilde and sleeping on top of my face.


Catching up

Last week i finally catch up with Nuno for a cup of tea and talk face to face after months of not seeing each other while living in the same city.
Nuno travels a lot on work and it's hard for us to gather up,but we finally set a date and meet in his apartment, drank some tea, chatted about love, rocking Nuno´s new swing in the terrace like kids.
I think of Spring as a bright bridge that connects me to others, making me want to communicate and get out of my stay home winter mode.
I feel lucky to have a few great loving friends to reach out and feel our city blossom together.


A surprise visit

A couple of weeks ago me and João went to Vila do Conde on a surprise visit to Apolinário and Carla.
Sunday,once a day i dreaded it´s turning into one of my favorite days of the week in 2012.