I was in the passenger seat when i took this photo, the car windows were down and i could feel winter whispering goodbye as the warm breeze touched my face along the ride.
Slowly i felt aware that my feet had been pressing invisible breaks all this time. My entire being was devoting its strength to stop the inevitable.
I had been in the passenger seat for too long.
We had wonderful travels but i never felt like i choose destination, i just went along the way, feeling my presence was there to prevent disaster and chaos and sometimes something good would happen and that was enough.
It is not enough now.
I can choose.
I was in the passenger seat for too long and now is my turn to drive.
Fantastic, the photograph and your thoughts and your decision to drive! ♥
ResponderEliminarI love this, I think I'm feeling something similar or as far as wanting to control and live my life exactly how I want - it's a nice free feeling :)
ResponderEliminari don't think you're going to regret it.
ResponderEliminargood luck, have a safe drive
Thank you Silvia :*
Eliminarsometimes i feel like i don't take control of my life enough as well. i think that's why i chose the word 'brave'
ResponderEliminarThank you Niken!
EliminarI feel like giving you a slap on the back right now, just to boost that courage and heighten that conviction.
i'm feeling that slap right now .D
EliminarI hope you're having a good time driving yourself to places, Sara, places that you want to go.
Eliminari am still on a bumpy driving phase but soon i will take off ;)