
How did you know?

'i think that's what scares me: the ramdomness of everything.
 that the people who could be important to you might just pass you by.
or you pass them by.

how did you know?'

Peter Cameron

7 comentários:

  1. When I see your analog treasures it reminds me that I just must, must, must fix my Spotmatic and get it going again!

    1. Hello Anna :)

      please do fix that Spotmatic and share more treasures with us!

  2. Anónimo21.5.13

    I wish I wasn't so anxious, but some nights I can't get over the fact that nothing last for an eternity, sadness and happiness too. One day I'll lose something that'll means so much... I wish when the time comes, I would be happy over the countless memories saved than sad over the lost.

  3. I kind of like to think we meet the people we do, for a reason but it's still a scary thought to think we miss out on people coming into our lives that could be a magical addition!

    1. quite scary,yesterday this popped in my mind i was wondering about it all day,but i also like you regarding the people we do meet*

  4. I absolutely love the first photograph! What a beautiful landscape that one is!
