
Thinking about this

“we are imperfect mortal beings, aware of that mortality even as we push it away, failed by our very complication, so wired that when we mourn our losses we also mourn, for better or for worse, ourselves. as we were. as we are no longer. as we will one day not be at all.” 

Joan Didion

17 comentários:

  1. always mourning - can we change this or is it hard wired - maybe it's not such a bad thing that us humans do!

  2. Anónimo30.6.14

    Love it !

  3. this picture, this quote.
    it's like i can feel the pain now. thought-provoking.

  4. tem uma música brasileira que diz que "nada do que foi será de novo do jeito que já foi um dia". ainda bem que temos a fotografia pra nos lembrar dos momentos felizes. ;)

  5. beautiful photo beautiful words! ♥

    PS- could you give me your email address or send me an email on below
    pratiksha 227 @ gmail . com

  6. I'm in love in this photo !

    1. flowers against the sky are always mesmerizing :)

  7. We're always mourning for ourselves even when we think we're mourning for someone/something else.. I don't think we, being imperfect mortals, can be truly sad if the pain didn't reflect one bit of ourselves.

    I love that accompanying photo ♥

  8. this quote perfectly suits the book i'm currently reading, Memoirs of Hadrian. food for thoughts on our nature and soul.

    1. I love that book,you reminding me of it,makes me want to read it again!
